Abwasserreinigungsanlage in Kutaisi / Georgien

wastewater treatment plant Kutaisi / Georgia

2021 – 2024: NWT übernahm die Neuplanung einer Kläranlage in Kutaisi / Georgien mit 240.000 EW. Es wurden ein Vorentwurf, die Konzept und Genehmigungsplanung sowie die Ausschreibungsunterlagen gemäß FIDIC Yellow Book...
Machbarkeitsstudie Jordanien

Feasibility Study Jordan

As part of a project for sustainable wastewater disposal in the Kingdom of Jordan, a feasibility study is being prepared which, in a first phase, refers to a possible investment sum of €100 million and is then to be focused on €60 million with the help of a priority catalogue. The main focus...
Machbarkeitsstudie Uszuvtaminot / Usbekistan

Feasibility Study for Uszuvtamonit / Uzbekistan

NWT was contracted to design the wastewater treatment component for 3 project sites as part of the complete redesign of the current water and wastewater systems for the 3 cities of Termez, Kokand and Margilan. Our team will be conducting the fact finding and data collectoin, status evaluation, design load definitions and subsequent conceptual designs for the 3 WWTPs.