2016: Optimization measures were carried out at the Schützen am Gebirge wastewater treatment plant together with the partner VERBUND, which significantly improve both the energy efficiency and the operation of the plant.

2016: Optimization measures were carried out at the Schützen am Gebirge wastewater treatment plant together with the partner VERBUND, which significantly improve both the energy efficiency and the operation of the plant.
2017: NWT has optimized the aeration and air supply scheme at the industrial production site of one of the largest pulp and synthetic fibre producers in Europe. The overall plant has a design load of 60 tCOD/d and comprises a 2 stage anaerobic treatment ....
2016/2017; Trennung von Kühlkreisläufen in der Lebensmittelindustrie mit Konzepten der Wärmerückgewinnung für 7 Produktionslinien und einer installierten Leistung von 14 MW; Tätigkeiten NWT: Design und Simulation, Kosten/Nutzen Analyse, 3 D Planung,...
2015/2016; Expert training for planning tasks in the field of water treatment in Egypt.
2014/2015, Upgrade of a process water filtration for technical waters with increased requirements in Austria,
activities NWT: calculations, planning, commissioning2014/2015: Reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant to increase functionality, activities NWT: calculations, planning, commissioning.