von Heike | Jun 24, 2023 | news
Since middle 2021 NWT has established a hydraulic test-site for lab scale hydraulic modelling. It is specifically applied for analysing of flow distribution patterns and short cutting potential in settling tanks, biological tanks and SBR facilities as well as...
von Heike | May 23, 2023 | news
The ambitious project for the new administrative capital in Egypt is in full swing. The completely new city for approx. 10 million inhabitants is located 80 km from the Nile River, but will still be supplied with water from there. In addition to the administrative district, an airport, a 14-lane motorway and complete infrastructure, the ...
von Heike | May 17, 2023 | news
NWT hat einen Wärmespeichertank ENYSTO entwickelt, welcher mit 2.000 l bis zu 160 kWh speichern kann. Im Vergleich zu einer Batterie ist das ein Vielfaches an Speichervermögen. In Kombination mit Photovoltarik ist es die ideale Lösung Wärmeenergie selber zu...
von Heike | Jun 11, 2021 | news
NWT will take over the design works and process engineering for a drinking water treatment plant in Ghana. The internationally financed project provides for the extraction of river water which is severely impacted by activities of upstream gold mines and shows strong seasonal quality fluctuations. With 2,400 m3 / d, the system is not very...
von Heike | Jun 10, 2021 | news
As part of the ISWM II program financed by the German KfW, NWT is providing the designs for 2 domestic solid waste landfills. The leachate treatment plants will be integrated into the landfills which are currently under design/construction and shall treat highly contaminated leachates of up to 120 m3/d. A specific challenge is the very