NWT was responsible for the new planning of a wastewater treatment plant in Kutaisi, Georgia, with a population equivalent of 240,000. A preliminary design, the concept ...

NWT was responsible for the new planning of a wastewater treatment plant in Kutaisi, Georgia, with a population equivalent of 240,000. A preliminary design, the concept ...
2022: As part of the implementation of the new wastewater treatment plant in Prizren/Kosovo financed by the German KfW, NWT is taking over the so-called accompanying measures for the first operating phase. The measures include training and advising the staff as well as monitoring ...
2022: In the area of the Siebensee springs / Wildalpe, Wien Wasser/MA 31 is considering a capacity expansion of the Siebensee pipeline. NWT carried out the necessary hydraulic calculations on the basis of the actual conditions of the 4 sub-pipelines and, with the help of model....
NWT provided the consulting services for studies for 8 medium-sized cities in Serbia within a KfW-funded project for the rehabilitation and construction of sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants. The project includes the...
NWT prepared a feasibility study for the Vienna waterworks MA 31 for the rehabilitation of an existing groundwater treatment plant from the early 1970s. The treatment plant consists of 2 horizontal groundwater wells with 80 l / s each and an iron ...
2019: The viscose fibre manufacturer Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co Ltd is planning to build a new industrial wastewater treatment plant (26,000 m³/d , 320,000 pe) on the company site. NWT delivered a concept study, the preliminary design and the tender documents with the...
2020: The German GIZ managed a revitalisation and capacity building project for 11 wastewater treatment plants in the region of Irbid/Jordan over a period of 19 months. NWT was involved in this project as International Process Specialist and was integrated into the team ..
2018: Plant engineering consulting and hydraulic optimisation for the integration of a UV and a ClO2 disinfection system with a capacity of 2.8 m3/s into the supply scheme of the 2nd Vienna High Source Pipeline...