wastewater treatment plant Kutaisi / Georgia

NWT was responsible for the new planning of a wastewater treatment plant in Kutaisi, Georgia, with a population equivalent of 240,000. A preliminary design, the concept ...

Wastewater Treatment plant Kosovo

2022: As part of the implementation of the new wastewater treatment plant in Prizren/Kosovo financed by the German KfW, NWT is taking over the so-called accompanying measures for the first operating phase. The measures include training and advising the staff as well as monitoring ...
Optimierung einer Betriebskläranlage

Optimization of an industrial wastewater treatment plant

2017: NWT has optimized the aeration and air supply scheme at the industrial production site of one of the largest pulp and synthetic fibre producers in Europe. The overall plant has a design load of 60 tCOD/d and comprises a 2 stage anaerobic treatment ....


Cooling cycle optimization

2016/2017; Trennung von Kühlkreisläufen in der Lebensmittelindustrie mit Konzepten der Wärmerückgewinnung für 7 Produktionslinien und einer installierten Leistung von 14 MW; Tätigkeiten NWT: Design und Simulation, Kosten/Nutzen Analyse, 3 D Planung,...

Industrielle Filtration / Österreich

industrial filtration / Austria

2014/2015, Upgrade of a process water filtration for technical waters with increased requirements in Austria,

activities NWT: calculations, planning, commissioning