Optimization of an industrial wastewater treatment plant
2017: NWT has optimized the aeration and air supply scheme at the industrial production site of one of the largest pulp and synthetic fibre producers in Europe. The overall plant has a design load of 60 tCOD/d and comprises a 2 stage anaerobic treatment ....
Cooling cycle optimization
2016/2017; Trennung von Kühlkreisläufen in der Lebensmittelindustrie mit Konzepten der Wärmerückgewinnung für 7 Produktionslinien und einer installierten Leistung von 14 MW; Tätigkeiten NWT: Design und Simulation, Kosten/Nutzen Analyse, 3 D Planung,...
Expert Training KfW /Egypt
2015/2016; Expert training for planning tasks in the field of water treatment in Egypt.
industrial filtration / Austria
2014/2015, Upgrade of a process water filtration for technical waters with increased requirements in Austria,
activities NWT: calculations, planning, commissioningReconstruction wastewater treatment plant Latin America
2014/2015: Reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant to increase functionality, activities NWT: calculations, planning, commissioning.