von Meini | May 4, 2023 | news
NWT is providing its expertise in wastewater treatment for a GIZ-funded study for Central Jawa and Bali in Indonesia.
The feasibility study includes technical and economic aspects of a leachate treatment plant for an existing landfill in Bali, a central ...
von Meini | May 4, 2023 | news
NWT has been commissioned to reduce the costs for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal for a company in the electroplating industry in Western Austria. This industrial company is obliged by a direct discharge regulation to comply with extremely strict wastewater ...
von Meini | Feb 17, 2023 | news
As part of the implementation of the new sewage treatment plant in Prizren / Kosovo, financed by Deutsche KfW, NWT takes on the so-called accompanying measures for the first operating phase. The measures include training and advising the staff as well as accompanying the day-to-day operation . The STP will be handed over to the...
von Meini | Feb 17, 2023 | news
For the design of the sewage collection system with sewage treatment plant for the city of Kutaisi / Georgia, the order was placed with a German / American planning consortium. As a sub-contractor, NWT takes on the design services for the STP as well as the preparation of the tender documents and support during the...
von Meini | Feb 17, 2023 | news
In the area of the Siebensee Springs – Wildalpe the Vienna Waterworks MA 31 plans a capacity extension of the Siebensee pipeline. NWT carries out the necessary hydraulic calculations based on the actual conditions of the 4 partial pipelines and creates possible variants with the help of model calculations.