Kläranlage für neue Verwaltungshauptstadt in Ägypten (NAC)

WWTP New Administrative Capital (NAC) in Egypt

The ambitious project for the new administrative capital in Egypt is in full swing. The completely new city for approx. 10 million inhabitants is located 80 km from the Nile River, but will still be supplied with water from there. In addition to the administrative district, an airport, a 14-lane motorway and complete infrastructure, the ...

ENYSTO Wärmespeichertank

ENYSTO heat storage

NWT hat einen Wärmespeichertank ENYSTO entwickelt, welcher mit  2.000 l bis zu 160 kWh speichern kann. Im Vergleich zu einer Batterie ist das ein Vielfaches an Speichervermögen. In Kombination mit Photovoltarik ist es die ideale Lösung Wärmeenergie selber zu...

Optimierungen in einem Galvanikbetrieb in Österreich

Optimisation in an electroplating plant in Austria

NWT has been commissioned to reduce the costs for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal for a company in the electroplating industry in Western Austria. This industrial company is obliged by a direct discharge regulation to comply with extremely strict wastewater ...

Abwasserreinigungsanlage im Kosovo / Prizren

Wastewater Treatment plant Kosovo

As part of the implementation of the new sewage treatment plant in Prizren / Kosovo, financed by Deutsche KfW, NWT takes on the so-called accompanying measures for the first operating phase. The measures include training and advising the staff as well as accompanying the day-to-day operation . The STP will be handed over to the...

Abwassersystem Kutaisi / Georgien

Sewage collection system / WWTP Kutaisi /Georgia

For the design of the sewage collection system with sewage treatment plant for the city of Kutaisi / Georgia, the order was placed with a German / American planning consortium. As a sub-contractor, NWT takes on the design services for the STP as well as the preparation of the tender documents and support during the...

Trinkwasseraufbereitung aus Flusswasser in Ghana

Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Ghana

NWT will take over the design works and process engineering for a drinking water treatment plant in Ghana. The internationally financed project provides for the extraction of river water which is severely impacted by activities of upstream gold mines and shows strong seasonal quality fluctuations. With 2,400 m3 / d, the system is not very...
