wastewater treatment plant Kutaisi / Georgia

NWT was responsible for the new planning of a wastewater treatment plant in Kutaisi, Georgia, with a population equivalent of 240,000. A preliminary design, the concept ...

Wastewater Treatment plant Kosovo

2022: As part of the implementation of the new wastewater treatment plant in Prizren/Kosovo financed by the German KfW, NWT is taking over the so-called accompanying measures for the first operating phase. The measures include training and advising the staff as well as monitoring ...
Machbarkeitsstudien Serbien

Feasibility studies Serbia

NWT provided the consulting services for studies for 8 medium-sized cities in Serbia within a KfW-funded project for the rehabilitation and construction of sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants. The project includes the...

Studie zur Sanierung eines Wasserwerkes in Wien

Study for the rehabilitation of a waterworks in Vienna

NWT prepared a feasibility study for the Vienna waterworks MA 31 for the rehabilitation of an existing groundwater treatment plant from the early 1970s. The treatment plant consists of 2 horizontal groundwater wells with 80 l / s each and an iron ...

Verbesserung der Abwasserbehandlung in Irbid / Jordanien

Improvement of wastewater treatment in Irbid / Jordan

2020: The German GIZ managed a revitalisation and capacity building project for 11 wastewater treatment plants in the region of Irbid/Jordan over a period of 19 months. NWT was involved in this project as International Process Specialist and was integrated into the team ..